Current File : /home/tradevaly/
import Webpack, { Stats } from 'webpack';

type ReporterContextFunc<T = any> = (context: WebpackBarPlugin, opts: T) => void

interface State {
  start: [number, number] | null
  progress: number
  done: boolean
  message: string
  details: string[]
  request: null | {
    file: null | string
    loaders: string[]
  hasErrors: boolean
  color: string
  name: string

interface Reporter {
   * Called when (re)compile is started
  start?: ReporterContextFunc

   * Called when a file changed on watch mode
  change?: ReporterContextFunc<{ shortPath: string }>

   * Called after each progress update
  update?: ReporterContextFunc

   * Called when compile finished
  done?: ReporterContextFunc<{ stats: Stats }>

   * Called when build progress updated
  progress?: ReporterContextFunc

   * Called when _all_ compiles finished
  allDone?: ReporterContextFunc

  beforeAllDone?: ReporterContextFunc

  afterAllDone?: ReporterContextFunc

type ReporterOpts = { reporter: Reporter | string, options?: any }
type ReporterInput = string | [Reporter | string, any?] | ReporterOpts

interface WebpackBarOptions {
   * Display name
   * @default 'webpack'
  name?: string

   * Color output of the progress bar
   * @default 'green'
  color?: string

   * Enable profiler
   * @default false
  profile?: boolean

   * Enable bars reporter
   * Defaults to 'true' when not in CI or testing mod
   * @default true
  fancy?: boolean

   * Enable a simple log reporter (only start and end)
   * Defaults to 'true' when running in minimal environments
   * @default true
  basic?: boolean

   * Register a custom reporter
  reporter?: ReporterInput

   * Register an Array of your custom reporters.
   * @default ['basic'] | ['fancy']
  reporters?: ReporterInput[]

declare class WebpackBarPlugin extends Webpack.ProgressPlugin {
    private options;
    private reporters;
    constructor(options?: WebpackBarOptions);
    callReporters(fn: any, payload?: {}): void;
    get hasRunning(): boolean;
    get hasErrors(): boolean;
    get statesArray(): any[];
    get states(): {
        [key: string]: State;
    get state(): State;
    _ensureState(): void;
    apply(compiler: any): void;
    updateProgress(percent?: number, message?: string, details?: any[]): void;

export { Reporter, State, WebpackBarPlugin as default };