Current File : /home/tradevaly/www/node_modules/fontkit/src/layout/Script.js
import unicode from 'unicode-properties';

// This maps the Unicode Script property to an OpenType script tag
// Data from
// and
  Caucasian_Albanian: 'aghb',
  Arabic: 'arab',
  Imperial_Aramaic: 'armi',
  Armenian: 'armn',
  Avestan: 'avst',
  Balinese: 'bali',
  Bamum: 'bamu',
  Bassa_Vah: 'bass',
  Batak: 'batk',
  Bengali: ['bng2', 'beng'],
  Bopomofo: 'bopo',
  Brahmi: 'brah',
  Braille: 'brai',
  Buginese: 'bugi',
  Buhid: 'buhd',
  Chakma: 'cakm',
  Canadian_Aboriginal: 'cans',
  Carian: 'cari',
  Cham: 'cham',
  Cherokee: 'cher',
  Coptic: 'copt',
  Cypriot: 'cprt',
  Cyrillic: 'cyrl',
  Devanagari: ['dev2', 'deva'],
  Deseret: 'dsrt',
  Duployan: 'dupl',
  Egyptian_Hieroglyphs: 'egyp',
  Elbasan: 'elba',
  Ethiopic: 'ethi',
  Georgian: 'geor',
  Glagolitic: 'glag',
  Gothic: 'goth',
  Grantha: 'gran',
  Greek: 'grek',
  Gujarati: ['gjr2', 'gujr'],
  Gurmukhi: ['gur2', 'guru'],
  Hangul: 'hang',
  Han: 'hani',
  Hanunoo: 'hano',
  Hebrew: 'hebr',
  Hiragana: 'hira',
  Pahawh_Hmong: 'hmng',
  Katakana_Or_Hiragana: 'hrkt',
  Old_Italic: 'ital',
  Javanese: 'java',
  Kayah_Li: 'kali',
  Katakana: 'kana',
  Kharoshthi: 'khar',
  Khmer: 'khmr',
  Khojki: 'khoj',
  Kannada: ['knd2', 'knda'],
  Kaithi: 'kthi',
  Tai_Tham: 'lana',
  Lao: 'lao ',
  Latin: 'latn',
  Lepcha: 'lepc',
  Limbu: 'limb',
  Linear_A: 'lina',
  Linear_B: 'linb',
  Lisu: 'lisu',
  Lycian: 'lyci',
  Lydian: 'lydi',
  Mahajani: 'mahj',
  Mandaic: 'mand',
  Manichaean: 'mani',
  Mende_Kikakui: 'mend',
  Meroitic_Cursive: 'merc',
  Meroitic_Hieroglyphs: 'mero',
  Malayalam: ['mlm2', 'mlym'],
  Modi: 'modi',
  Mongolian: 'mong',
  Mro: 'mroo',
  Meetei_Mayek: 'mtei',
  Myanmar: ['mym2', 'mymr'],
  Old_North_Arabian: 'narb',
  Nabataean: 'nbat',
  Nko: 'nko ',
  Ogham: 'ogam',
  Ol_Chiki: 'olck',
  Old_Turkic: 'orkh',
  Oriya: ['ory2', 'orya'],
  Osmanya: 'osma',
  Palmyrene: 'palm',
  Pau_Cin_Hau: 'pauc',
  Old_Permic: 'perm',
  Phags_Pa: 'phag',
  Inscriptional_Pahlavi: 'phli',
  Psalter_Pahlavi: 'phlp',
  Phoenician: 'phnx',
  Miao: 'plrd',
  Inscriptional_Parthian: 'prti',
  Rejang: 'rjng',
  Runic: 'runr',
  Samaritan: 'samr',
  Old_South_Arabian: 'sarb',
  Saurashtra: 'saur',
  Shavian: 'shaw',
  Sharada: 'shrd',
  Siddham: 'sidd',
  Khudawadi: 'sind',
  Sinhala: 'sinh',
  Sora_Sompeng: 'sora',
  Sundanese: 'sund',
  Syloti_Nagri: 'sylo',
  Syriac: 'syrc',
  Tagbanwa: 'tagb',
  Takri: 'takr',
  Tai_Le: 'tale',
  New_Tai_Lue: 'talu',
  Tamil: ['tml2', 'taml'],
  Tai_Viet: 'tavt',
  Telugu: ['tel2', 'telu'],
  Tifinagh: 'tfng',
  Tagalog: 'tglg',
  Thaana: 'thaa',
  Thai: 'thai',
  Tibetan: 'tibt',
  Tirhuta: 'tirh',
  Ugaritic: 'ugar',
  Vai: 'vai ',
  Warang_Citi: 'wara',
  Old_Persian: 'xpeo',
  Cuneiform: 'xsux',
  Yi: 'yi  ',
  Inherited: 'zinh',
  Common: 'zyyy',
  Unknown: 'zzzz'

for (let script in UNICODE_SCRIPTS) {
  let tag = UNICODE_SCRIPTS[script];
  if (Array.isArray(tag)) {
    for (let t of tag) {
      OPENTYPE_SCRIPTS[t] = script;
  } else {
    OPENTYPE_SCRIPTS[tag] = script;

export function fromUnicode(script) {
  return UNICODE_SCRIPTS[script];

export function fromOpenType(tag) {
  return OPENTYPE_SCRIPTS[tag];

export function forString(string) {
  let len = string.length;
  let idx = 0;
  while (idx < len) {
    let code = string.charCodeAt(idx++);

    // Check if this is a high surrogate
    if (0xd800 <= code && code <= 0xdbff && idx < len) {
      let next = string.charCodeAt(idx);

      // Check if this is a low surrogate
      if (0xdc00 <= next && next <= 0xdfff) {
        code = ((code & 0x3FF) << 10) + (next & 0x3FF) + 0x10000;

    let script = unicode.getScript(code);
    if (script !== 'Common' && script !== 'Inherited' && script !== 'Unknown') {
      return UNICODE_SCRIPTS[script];

  return UNICODE_SCRIPTS.Unknown;

export function forCodePoints(codePoints) {
  for (let i = 0; i < codePoints.length; i++) {
    let codePoint = codePoints[i];
    let script = unicode.getScript(codePoint);
    if (script !== 'Common' && script !== 'Inherited' && script !== 'Unknown') {
      return UNICODE_SCRIPTS[script];

  return UNICODE_SCRIPTS.Unknown;

// The scripts in this map are written from right to left
const RTL = {
  arab: true,   // Arabic
  hebr: true,   // Hebrew
  syrc: true,   // Syriac
  thaa: true,   // Thaana
  cprt: true,   // Cypriot Syllabary
  khar: true,   // Kharosthi
  phnx: true,   // Phoenician
  'nko ': true, // N'Ko
  lydi: true,   // Lydian
  avst: true,   // Avestan
  armi: true,   // Imperial Aramaic
  phli: true,   // Inscriptional Pahlavi
  prti: true,   // Inscriptional Parthian
  sarb: true,   // Old South Arabian
  orkh: true,   // Old Turkic, Orkhon Runic
  samr: true,   // Samaritan
  mand: true,   // Mandaic, Mandaean
  merc: true,   // Meroitic Cursive
  mero: true,   // Meroitic Hieroglyphs

  // Unicode 7.0 (not listed on
  mani: true,   // Manichaean
  mend: true,   // Mende Kikakui
  nbat: true,   // Nabataean
  narb: true,   // Old North Arabian
  palm: true,   // Palmyrene
  phlp: true    // Psalter Pahlavi

export function direction(script) {
  if (RTL[script]) {
    return 'rtl';

  return 'ltr';