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      Contributing | Owl Carousel | 2.3.4

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            <h2 id="contributing">Contributing</h2>
              <p>This project is hosted by Smashing Boxes but so many awesome contributors have had a big impact on the code. Thanks to all the amazing people who spent hours helping me with the development and teaching me new tricks!</p>
            <p>If you are looking to support Owl Carousel with your amazing ideas (or just fix some nasty bugs) then go to
              <a href="">Github</a>  and fork the project.</p>
            <h3 id="some-tips-for-contributors">Some tips for contributors</h3>
            <p>Owl Carousel is built around Grunt, Bower and Assemble frameworks. If you are not familiar with those tools please visit:</p>
              <li> <a href="">Node.js</a>  </li>
              <li> <a href="">Yeoman</a>  </li>
              <li> <a href="">Grunt</a>  </li>
              <li> <a href="">Bower</a>  </li>
              <li> <a href="">Assemble</a>  </li>
            <h3 id="installation-dependecies">Installation dependecies</h3>
            <p>Open Terminal, go to folder with project and type:</p>
            <pre><code>npm install</code></pre>
            <p>Then install bower components</p>
            <pre><code>bower install</code></pre>
            <h3 id="grunt-tasks">Grunt Tasks</h3>
            <p>The default task runs two other tasks: <code>dist</code> and <code>docs</code>. Type grunt to run default:</p>
            <p>Now that the whole project is generated, run the last grunt task:</p>
            <pre><code>grunt serve</code></pre>
            <p>This creates localhost server and opens docs in your default browser. <code>watch</code> tasks will look for any changes and will automatically update the project and reload the browser.</p>
            <p>Now you are ready to make some cool updates by yourself. Owl project is in <code>src</code> folder. Also dont change <code>src/css/*.css</code> - all css files are generated from sass.</p>
              <p>Happy Coding</p>

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