Current File : /home/tradevaly/
## Refunds

**Note**: If you're using this wrapper with our sandbox environment `` then you should pass `''` as third argument to the `Instamojo` class while initializing it. API key and Auth token for the same can be obtained from (Details: [Test Or Sandbox Account](

$api = new Instamojo\Instamojo(API_KEY, AUTH_TOKEN, '');

## Installing via [Composer](
$ php composer.phar require instamojo/instamojo-php

**Note**: If you're not using Composer then directly include the contents of `src` directory in your project.

## Usage

$api = new Instamojo\Instamojo(API_KEY, AUTH_TOKEN);

### Create a new Refund

try {
    $response = $api->refundCreate(array(
        'body'=>'Customer is not satified.'
catch (Exception $e) {
    print('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());

This will give you JSON object containing details of the Refund that was just created.

### Get the details of a Refund

try {
    $response = $api->refundDetail('[REFUND ID]');
catch (Exception $e) {
    print('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());

This will give you JSON object containing details of the Refund.

Here `['REFUND ID']` is the value of `'id'` key returned by the `refundCreate()` query.

### Get a list of all Refunds

try {
    $response = $api->refundsList();
catch (Exception $e) {
    print('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());

This will give you an array containing Refunds created so far.

## Available Refund Functions

You have these functions to interact with the Refund API:

  * `refundCreate(array $refund)` Create a new Refund.
  * `refundDetail($id)` Get details of Refund specified by its unique id.
  * `refundsList()` Get a list of all Refunds.

## Refund Creation Parameters

### Required
  * `payment_id`: Payment ID for which Refund is being requested.
  * `type`: A three letter short-code to identify the type of the refund. Check the
            REST docs for more info on the allowed values.
  * `body`: Additional explanation related to why this refund is being requested.

### Optional
  * `refund_amount`: This field can be used to specify the refund amount. For instance, you
            may want to issue a refund for an amount lesser than what was paid. If
            this field is not provided then the total transaction amount is going to
            be used.

Further documentation is available at