Current File : /home/tradevaly/public_html/vendor/shurjopayv2/laravel8/
# spV2-laravel8
#### To integrate the shurjoPay Payment Gateway in your Laravel project do the following tasks sequentially.

### Installation and Configuration

``composer require shurjopayv2/laravel8

###### After successful installation of shurjopay-laravel-package, go to your project and open config folder and then click on app.php file. Append the following line in providers array.

###### After successfully doing the above steps add the following Keys in .env file with the credentials provided from shurjoMukhi Limited






###### Now add this line of code in your method where you want to call shurjoPay Payment Gateway. You can use any code segment of below

use shurjopayv2\ShurjopayLaravelPackage8\Http\Controllers\ShurjopayController;

``$info = array(
'currency' => "",
'amount' => ,
'order_id' => "",
'discsount_amount' => ,
'disc_percent' => ,
'client_ip' => "",
'customer_name' => "",
'customer_phone' => "",
'email' => "",
'customer_address' => "",
'customer_city' => "",
'customer_state' => "",
'customer_postcode' => "",
'customer_country' => "",

``$shurjopay_service = new ShurjopayController();
return $shurjopay_service->checkout($info);``

###### for verifying,

``$shurjopay_service = new ShurjopayController();
return $shurjopay_service->verify($order_id);``