Current File : /home/tradevaly/www/node_modules/linebreak/src/linebreaker.js
let AI, AL, BA, BK, CB, CJ, CR, ID, LF, NL, NS, SA, SG, SP, WJ, XX;
const UnicodeTrie = require('unicode-trie');
const fs = require('fs');
const base64 = require('base64-js');
({BK, CR, LF, NL, CB, BA, SP, WJ, SP, BK, LF, NL, AI, AL, SA, SG, XX, CJ, ID, NS} = require('./classes'));
const {DI_BRK, IN_BRK, CI_BRK, CP_BRK, PR_BRK, pairTable} = require('./pairs');

const data = base64.toByteArray(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/classes.trie', 'base64'));
const classTrie = new UnicodeTrie(data);

const mapClass = function(c) {
  switch (c) {
    case AI:         return AL;
    case SA: case SG: case XX: return AL;
    case CJ:         return NS;
    default:            return c;
const mapFirst = function(c) {
  switch (c) {
    case LF: case NL: return BK;
    case CB:     return BA;
    case SP:     return WJ;
    default:        return c;

class Break {
  constructor(position, required = false) {
    this.position = position;    
    this.required = required;
class LineBreaker {    
  constructor(string) {
    this.string = string;
    this.pos = 0;
    this.lastPos = 0;
    this.curClass = null;
    this.nextClass = null;
  nextCodePoint() {
    const code = this.string.charCodeAt(this.pos++);
    const next = this.string.charCodeAt(this.pos);
    // If a surrogate pair
    if ((0xd800 <= code && code <= 0xdbff) && (0xdc00 <= next && next <= 0xdfff)) {
      return ((code - 0xd800) * 0x400) + (next - 0xdc00) + 0x10000;
    return code;
  nextCharClass() {
    return mapClass(classTrie.get(this.nextCodePoint()));
  nextBreak() {    
    // get the first char if we're at the beginning of the string
    if (this.curClass == null) { this.curClass = mapFirst(this.nextCharClass()); }
    while (this.pos < this.string.length) {
      this.lastPos = this.pos;
      const lastClass = this.nextClass;
      this.nextClass = this.nextCharClass();
      // explicit newline
      if ((this.curClass === BK) || ((this.curClass === CR) && (this.nextClass !== LF))) {
        this.curClass = mapFirst(mapClass(this.nextClass));
        return new Break(this.lastPos, true);
      // handle classes not handled by the pair table
      let cur
      switch (this.nextClass) {
        case SP:         cur = this.curClass; break;
        case BK: case LF: case NL: cur = BK; break;
        case CR:         cur = CR; break;
        case CB:         cur = BA; break;
      if (cur != null) {
        this.curClass = cur;
        if (this.nextClass === CB) { return new Break(this.lastPos); }
      // if not handled already, use the pair table
      let shouldBreak = false;
      switch (pairTable[this.curClass][this.nextClass]) {
        case DI_BRK: // Direct break
          shouldBreak = true;
        case IN_BRK: // possible indirect break
          shouldBreak = lastClass === SP;
        case CI_BRK:
          shouldBreak = lastClass === SP;
          if (!shouldBreak) { continue; }
        case CP_BRK: // prohibited for combining marks
          if (lastClass !== SP) { continue; }
      this.curClass = this.nextClass;
      if (shouldBreak) {
        return new Break(this.lastPos);
    if (this.pos >= this.string.length) {
      if (this.lastPos < this.string.length) {
        this.lastPos = this.string.length;
        return new Break(this.string.length);
      } else {
        return null;
module.exports = LineBreaker;