Current File : //home/tradevaly/www/vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Style/Alignment.php

namespace PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style;

use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Exception as PhpSpreadsheetException;

class Alignment extends Supervisor
    // Horizontal alignment styles
    const HORIZONTAL_GENERAL = 'general';
    const HORIZONTAL_LEFT = 'left';
    const HORIZONTAL_RIGHT = 'right';
    const HORIZONTAL_CENTER = 'center';
    const HORIZONTAL_CENTER_CONTINUOUS = 'centerContinuous';
    const HORIZONTAL_JUSTIFY = 'justify';
    const HORIZONTAL_FILL = 'fill';
    const HORIZONTAL_DISTRIBUTED = 'distributed'; // Excel2007 only

    // Vertical alignment styles
    const VERTICAL_BOTTOM = 'bottom';
    const VERTICAL_TOP = 'top';
    const VERTICAL_CENTER = 'center';
    const VERTICAL_JUSTIFY = 'justify';
    const VERTICAL_DISTRIBUTED = 'distributed'; // Excel2007 only

    // Read order
    const READORDER_CONTEXT = 0;
    const READORDER_LTR = 1;
    const READORDER_RTL = 2;

    // Special value for Text Rotation
    const TEXTROTATION_STACK_PHPSPREADSHEET = -165; // 90 - 255

     * Horizontal alignment.
     * @var null|string
    protected $horizontal = self::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL;

     * Vertical alignment.
     * @var null|string
    protected $vertical = self::VERTICAL_BOTTOM;

     * Text rotation.
     * @var null|int
    protected $textRotation = 0;

     * Wrap text.
     * @var bool
    protected $wrapText = false;

     * Shrink to fit.
     * @var bool
    protected $shrinkToFit = false;

     * Indent - only possible with horizontal alignment left and right.
     * @var int
    protected $indent = 0;

     * Read order.
     * @var int
    protected $readOrder = 0;

     * Create a new Alignment.
     * @param bool $isSupervisor Flag indicating if this is a supervisor or not
     *                                       Leave this value at default unless you understand exactly what
     *                                          its ramifications are
     * @param bool $isConditional Flag indicating if this is a conditional style or not
     *                                       Leave this value at default unless you understand exactly what
     *                                          its ramifications are
    public function __construct($isSupervisor = false, $isConditional = false)
        // Supervisor?

        if ($isConditional) {
            $this->horizontal = null;
            $this->vertical = null;
            $this->textRotation = null;

     * Get the shared style component for the currently active cell in currently active sheet.
     * Only used for style supervisor.
     * @return Alignment
    public function getSharedComponent()
        /** @var Style */
        $parent = $this->parent;

        return $parent->getSharedComponent()->getAlignment();

     * Build style array from subcomponents.
     * @param array $array
     * @return array
    public function getStyleArray($array)
        return ['alignment' => $array];

     * Apply styles from array.
     * <code>
     * $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('B2')->getAlignment()->applyFromArray(
     *        [
     *            'horizontal'   => \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER,
     *            'vertical'     => \PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Style\Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER,
     *            'textRotation' => 0,
     *            'wrapText'     => TRUE
     *        ]
     * );
     * </code>
     * @param array $styleArray Array containing style information
     * @return $this
    public function applyFromArray(array $styleArray)
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
        } else {
            if (isset($styleArray['horizontal'])) {
            if (isset($styleArray['vertical'])) {
            if (isset($styleArray['textRotation'])) {
            if (isset($styleArray['wrapText'])) {
            if (isset($styleArray['shrinkToFit'])) {
            if (isset($styleArray['indent'])) {
            if (isset($styleArray['readOrder'])) {

        return $this;

     * Get Horizontal.
     * @return null|string
    public function getHorizontal()
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            return $this->getSharedComponent()->getHorizontal();

        return $this->horizontal;

     * Set Horizontal.
     * @param string $horizontalAlignment see self::HORIZONTAL_*
     * @return $this
    public function setHorizontal(string $horizontalAlignment)
        if ($horizontalAlignment == '') {
            $horizontalAlignment = self::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL;

        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(['horizontal' => $horizontalAlignment]);
        } else {
            $this->horizontal = $horizontalAlignment;

        return $this;

     * Get Vertical.
     * @return null|string
    public function getVertical()
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            return $this->getSharedComponent()->getVertical();

        return $this->vertical;

     * Set Vertical.
     * @param string $verticalAlignment see self::VERTICAL_*
     * @return $this
    public function setVertical($verticalAlignment)
        if ($verticalAlignment == '') {
            $verticalAlignment = self::VERTICAL_BOTTOM;

        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(['vertical' => $verticalAlignment]);
        } else {
            $this->vertical = $verticalAlignment;

        return $this;

     * Get TextRotation.
     * @return null|int
    public function getTextRotation()
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            return $this->getSharedComponent()->getTextRotation();

        return $this->textRotation;

     * Set TextRotation.
     * @param int $angleInDegrees
     * @return $this
    public function setTextRotation($angleInDegrees)
        // Excel2007 value 255 => PhpSpreadsheet value -165
        if ($angleInDegrees == self::TEXTROTATION_STACK_EXCEL) {
            $angleInDegrees = self::TEXTROTATION_STACK_PHPSPREADSHEET;

        // Set rotation
        if (($angleInDegrees >= -90 && $angleInDegrees <= 90) || $angleInDegrees == self::TEXTROTATION_STACK_PHPSPREADSHEET) {
            if ($this->isSupervisor) {
                $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(['textRotation' => $angleInDegrees]);
            } else {
                $this->textRotation = $angleInDegrees;
        } else {
            throw new PhpSpreadsheetException('Text rotation should be a value between -90 and 90.');

        return $this;

     * Get Wrap Text.
     * @return bool
    public function getWrapText()
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            return $this->getSharedComponent()->getWrapText();

        return $this->wrapText;

     * Set Wrap Text.
     * @param bool $wrapped
     * @return $this
    public function setWrapText($wrapped)
        if ($wrapped == '') {
            $wrapped = false;
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(['wrapText' => $wrapped]);
        } else {
            $this->wrapText = $wrapped;

        return $this;

     * Get Shrink to fit.
     * @return bool
    public function getShrinkToFit()
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            return $this->getSharedComponent()->getShrinkToFit();

        return $this->shrinkToFit;

     * Set Shrink to fit.
     * @param bool $shrink
     * @return $this
    public function setShrinkToFit($shrink)
        if ($shrink == '') {
            $shrink = false;
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(['shrinkToFit' => $shrink]);
        } else {
            $this->shrinkToFit = $shrink;

        return $this;

     * Get indent.
     * @return int
    public function getIndent()
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            return $this->getSharedComponent()->getIndent();

        return $this->indent;

     * Set indent.
     * @param int $indent
     * @return $this
    public function setIndent($indent)
        if ($indent > 0) {
            if (
                $this->getHorizontal() != self::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL &&
                $this->getHorizontal() != self::HORIZONTAL_LEFT &&
                $this->getHorizontal() != self::HORIZONTAL_RIGHT &&
                $this->getHorizontal() != self::HORIZONTAL_DISTRIBUTED
            ) {
                $indent = 0; // indent not supported
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(['indent' => $indent]);
        } else {
            $this->indent = $indent;

        return $this;

     * Get read order.
     * @return int
    public function getReadOrder()
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            return $this->getSharedComponent()->getReadOrder();

        return $this->readOrder;

     * Set read order.
     * @param int $readOrder
     * @return $this
    public function setReadOrder($readOrder)
        if ($readOrder < 0 || $readOrder > 2) {
            $readOrder = 0;
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            $styleArray = $this->getStyleArray(['readOrder' => $readOrder]);
        } else {
            $this->readOrder = $readOrder;

        return $this;

     * Get hash code.
     * @return string Hash code
    public function getHashCode()
        if ($this->isSupervisor) {
            return $this->getSharedComponent()->getHashCode();

        return md5(
            $this->horizontal .
            $this->vertical .
            $this->textRotation .
            ($this->wrapText ? 't' : 'f') .
            ($this->shrinkToFit ? 't' : 'f') .
            $this->indent .
            $this->readOrder .

    protected function exportArray1(): array
        $exportedArray = [];
        $this->exportArray2($exportedArray, 'horizontal', $this->getHorizontal());
        $this->exportArray2($exportedArray, 'indent', $this->getIndent());
        $this->exportArray2($exportedArray, 'readOrder', $this->getReadOrder());
        $this->exportArray2($exportedArray, 'shrinkToFit', $this->getShrinkToFit());
        $this->exportArray2($exportedArray, 'textRotation', $this->getTextRotation());
        $this->exportArray2($exportedArray, 'vertical', $this->getVertical());
        $this->exportArray2($exportedArray, 'wrapText', $this->getWrapText());

        return $exportedArray;