Current File : /home/tradevaly/www/node_modules/leaflet/src/control/Control.Layers.js
import {Control} from './Control';
import * as Util from '../core/Util';
import * as Browser from '../core/Browser';
import * as DomEvent from '../dom/DomEvent';
import * as DomUtil from '../dom/DomUtil';

 * @class Control.Layers
 * @aka L.Control.Layers
 * @inherits Control
 * The layers control gives users the ability to switch between different base layers and switch overlays on/off (check out the [detailed example]( Extends `Control`.
 * @example
 * ```js
 * var baseLayers = {
 * 	"Mapbox": mapbox,
 * 	"OpenStreetMap": osm
 * };
 * var overlays = {
 * 	"Marker": marker,
 * 	"Roads": roadsLayer
 * };
 * L.control.layers(baseLayers, overlays).addTo(map);
 * ```
 * The `baseLayers` and `overlays` parameters are object literals with layer names as keys and `Layer` objects as values:
 * ```js
 * {
 *     "<someName1>": layer1,
 *     "<someName2>": layer2
 * }
 * ```
 * The layer names can contain HTML, which allows you to add additional styling to the items:
 * ```js
 * {"<img src='my-layer-icon' /> <span class='my-layer-item'>My Layer</span>": myLayer}
 * ```

export var Layers = Control.extend({
	// @section
	// @aka Control.Layers options
	options: {
		// @option collapsed: Boolean = true
		// If `true`, the control will be collapsed into an icon and expanded on mouse hover or touch.
		collapsed: true,
		position: 'topright',

		// @option autoZIndex: Boolean = true
		// If `true`, the control will assign zIndexes in increasing order to all of its layers so that the order is preserved when switching them on/off.
		autoZIndex: true,

		// @option hideSingleBase: Boolean = false
		// If `true`, the base layers in the control will be hidden when there is only one.
		hideSingleBase: false,

		// @option sortLayers: Boolean = false
		// Whether to sort the layers. When `false`, layers will keep the order
		// in which they were added to the control.
		sortLayers: false,

		// @option sortFunction: Function = *
		// A [compare function](
		// that will be used for sorting the layers, when `sortLayers` is `true`.
		// The function receives both the `L.Layer` instances and their names, as in
		// `sortFunction(layerA, layerB, nameA, nameB)`.
		// By default, it sorts layers alphabetically by their name.
		sortFunction: function (layerA, layerB, nameA, nameB) {
			return nameA < nameB ? -1 : (nameB < nameA ? 1 : 0);

	initialize: function (baseLayers, overlays, options) {
		Util.setOptions(this, options);

		this._layerControlInputs = [];
		this._layers = [];
		this._lastZIndex = 0;
		this._handlingClick = false;

		for (var i in baseLayers) {
			this._addLayer(baseLayers[i], i);

		for (i in overlays) {
			this._addLayer(overlays[i], i, true);

	onAdd: function (map) {

		this._map = map;
		map.on('zoomend', this._checkDisabledLayers, this);

		for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) {
			this._layers[i].layer.on('add remove', this._onLayerChange, this);

		return this._container;

	addTo: function (map) {, map);
		// Trigger expand after Layers Control has been inserted into DOM so that is now has an actual height.
		return this._expandIfNotCollapsed();

	onRemove: function () {'zoomend', this._checkDisabledLayers, this);

		for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) {
			this._layers[i]'add remove', this._onLayerChange, this);

	// @method addBaseLayer(layer: Layer, name: String): this
	// Adds a base layer (radio button entry) with the given name to the control.
	addBaseLayer: function (layer, name) {
		this._addLayer(layer, name);
		return (this._map) ? this._update() : this;

	// @method addOverlay(layer: Layer, name: String): this
	// Adds an overlay (checkbox entry) with the given name to the control.
	addOverlay: function (layer, name) {
		this._addLayer(layer, name, true);
		return (this._map) ? this._update() : this;

	// @method removeLayer(layer: Layer): this
	// Remove the given layer from the control.
	removeLayer: function (layer) {'add remove', this._onLayerChange, this);

		var obj = this._getLayer(Util.stamp(layer));
		if (obj) {
			this._layers.splice(this._layers.indexOf(obj), 1);
		return (this._map) ? this._update() : this;

	// @method expand(): this
	// Expand the control container if collapsed.
	expand: function () {
		DomUtil.addClass(this._container, 'leaflet-control-layers-expanded'); = null;
		var acceptableHeight = this._map.getSize().y - (this._container.offsetTop + 50);
		if (acceptableHeight < this._section.clientHeight) {
			DomUtil.addClass(this._section, 'leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar'); = acceptableHeight + 'px';
		} else {
			DomUtil.removeClass(this._section, 'leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar');
		return this;

	// @method collapse(): this
	// Collapse the control container if expanded.
	collapse: function () {
		DomUtil.removeClass(this._container, 'leaflet-control-layers-expanded');
		return this;

	_initLayout: function () {
		var className = 'leaflet-control-layers',
		    container = this._container = DomUtil.create('div', className),
		    collapsed = this.options.collapsed;

		// makes this work on IE touch devices by stopping it from firing a mouseout event when the touch is released
		container.setAttribute('aria-haspopup', true);


		var section = this._section = DomUtil.create('section', className + '-list');

		if (collapsed) {
			this._map.on('click', this.collapse, this);

			if (! {
				DomEvent.on(container, {
					mouseenter: this.expand,
					mouseleave: this.collapse
				}, this);

		var link = this._layersLink = DomUtil.create('a', className + '-toggle', container);
		link.href = '#';
		link.title = 'Layers';

		if (Browser.touch) {
			DomEvent.on(link, 'click', DomEvent.stop);
			DomEvent.on(link, 'click', this.expand, this);
		} else {
			DomEvent.on(link, 'focus', this.expand, this);

		if (!collapsed) {

		this._baseLayersList = DomUtil.create('div', className + '-base', section);
		this._separator = DomUtil.create('div', className + '-separator', section);
		this._overlaysList = DomUtil.create('div', className + '-overlays', section);


	_getLayer: function (id) {
		for (var i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) {

			if (this._layers[i] && Util.stamp(this._layers[i].layer) === id) {
				return this._layers[i];

	_addLayer: function (layer, name, overlay) {
		if (this._map) {
			layer.on('add remove', this._onLayerChange, this);

			layer: layer,
			name: name,
			overlay: overlay

		if (this.options.sortLayers) {
			this._layers.sort(Util.bind(function (a, b) {
				return this.options.sortFunction(a.layer, b.layer,,;
			}, this));

		if (this.options.autoZIndex && layer.setZIndex) {


	_update: function () {
		if (!this._container) { return this; }


		this._layerControlInputs = [];
		var baseLayersPresent, overlaysPresent, i, obj, baseLayersCount = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < this._layers.length; i++) {
			obj = this._layers[i];
			overlaysPresent = overlaysPresent || obj.overlay;
			baseLayersPresent = baseLayersPresent || !obj.overlay;
			baseLayersCount += !obj.overlay ? 1 : 0;

		// Hide base layers section if there's only one layer.
		if (this.options.hideSingleBase) {
			baseLayersPresent = baseLayersPresent && baseLayersCount > 1; = baseLayersPresent ? '' : 'none';
		} = overlaysPresent && baseLayersPresent ? '' : 'none';

		return this;

	_onLayerChange: function (e) {
		if (!this._handlingClick) {

		var obj = this._getLayer(Util.stamp(;

		// @namespace Map
		// @section Layer events
		// @event baselayerchange: LayersControlEvent
		// Fired when the base layer is changed through the [layers control](#control-layers).
		// @event overlayadd: LayersControlEvent
		// Fired when an overlay is selected through the [layers control](#control-layers).
		// @event overlayremove: LayersControlEvent
		// Fired when an overlay is deselected through the [layers control](#control-layers).
		// @namespace Control.Layers
		var type = obj.overlay ?
			(e.type === 'add' ? 'overlayadd' : 'overlayremove') :
			(e.type === 'add' ? 'baselayerchange' : null);

		if (type) {, obj);

	// IE7 bugs out if you create a radio dynamically, so you have to do it this hacky way (see
	_createRadioElement: function (name, checked) {

		var radioHtml = '<input type="radio" class="leaflet-control-layers-selector" name="' +
				name + '"' + (checked ? ' checked="checked"' : '') + '/>';

		var radioFragment = document.createElement('div');
		radioFragment.innerHTML = radioHtml;

		return radioFragment.firstChild;

	_addItem: function (obj) {
		var label = document.createElement('label'),
		    checked = this._map.hasLayer(obj.layer),

		if (obj.overlay) {
			input = document.createElement('input');
			input.type = 'checkbox';
			input.className = 'leaflet-control-layers-selector';
			input.defaultChecked = checked;
		} else {
			input = this._createRadioElement('leaflet-base-layers_' + Util.stamp(this), checked);

		input.layerId = Util.stamp(obj.layer);

		DomEvent.on(input, 'click', this._onInputClick, this);

		var name = document.createElement('span');
		name.innerHTML = ' ' +;

		// Helps from preventing layer control flicker when checkboxes are disabled
		var holder = document.createElement('div');


		var container = obj.overlay ? this._overlaysList : this._baseLayersList;

		return label;

	_onInputClick: function () {
		var inputs = this._layerControlInputs,
		    input, layer;
		var addedLayers = [],
		    removedLayers = [];

		this._handlingClick = true;

		for (var i = inputs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			input = inputs[i];
			layer = this._getLayer(input.layerId).layer;

			if (input.checked) {
			} else if (!input.checked) {

		// Bugfix issue 2318: Should remove all old layers before readding new ones
		for (i = 0; i < removedLayers.length; i++) {
			if (this._map.hasLayer(removedLayers[i])) {
		for (i = 0; i < addedLayers.length; i++) {
			if (!this._map.hasLayer(addedLayers[i])) {

		this._handlingClick = false;


	_checkDisabledLayers: function () {
		var inputs = this._layerControlInputs,
		    zoom = this._map.getZoom();

		for (var i = inputs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			input = inputs[i];
			layer = this._getLayer(input.layerId).layer;
			input.disabled = (layer.options.minZoom !== undefined && zoom < layer.options.minZoom) ||
			                 (layer.options.maxZoom !== undefined && zoom > layer.options.maxZoom);


	_expandIfNotCollapsed: function () {
		if (this._map && !this.options.collapsed) {
		return this;

	_expand: function () {
		// Backward compatibility, remove me in 1.1.
		return this.expand();

	_collapse: function () {
		// Backward compatibility, remove me in 1.1.
		return this.collapse();


// @factory L.control.layers(baselayers?: Object, overlays?: Object, options?: Control.Layers options)
// Creates a layers control with the given layers. Base layers will be switched with radio buttons, while overlays will be switched with checkboxes. Note that all base layers should be passed in the base layers object, but only one should be added to the map during map instantiation.
export var layers = function (baseLayers, overlays, options) {
	return new Layers(baseLayers, overlays, options);