Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/proc/self/root/home/tradevaly/www/fresh/assets/language/en.json
  "onboarding_1_text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conset sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut",
  "onboarding_2_text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conset sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut",
  "onboarding_3_text": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conset sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut",
  "select_your_items_to_buy": "Select your items to buy",
  "order_item_from_your_shopping_bag": "Order item from your shopping bag",
  "our_system_delivery_item_to_you": "Our system delivery item to you",
  "skip": "Skip",
  "deliver_to": "Deliver to",
  "daily_needs": "Daily Needs",
  "view_all": "View All",
  "popular_item": "Popular items",
  "add_an_address": "Add an address",
  "home": "Home",
  "all_categories": "All Categories",
  "categories": "Categories",
  "shopping_bag": "Shopping Bag",
  "my_order": "My Order",
  "address": "Address",
  "coupon": "Coupon",
  "live_chat": "Live Chat",
  "log_out": "Logout",
  "notifications": "Notifications",
  "no_result_found": "No Result Found",
  "no_address_found": "No Address Found",
  "no_order_history": "No Order History",
  "buy_something_to_see": "Buy something to see your order here.",
  "empty_shopping_bag": "Empty Shopping Bag",
  "look_like_you_have_not_added": "Look like you haven't added any item yet.",
  "lets_shop": "Let's Shop",
  "search_for_ui": "Search for UI",
  "apply": "Apply",
  "subscribe": "Subscribe",
  "follow_us_on": "Follow Us on",
  "download_our_app": "DOWNLOAD OUR APP",
  "download_our_apps": "DOWNLOAD OUR APP",
  "add_to_cart": "Add To Cart",
  "quick_links": "Quick Links",
  "contact_us": "Contact Us",
  "your_email_address": "Your Email Address",
  "filter": "Filter",
  "dark_mode": "Dark Mode",
  "see_more": "See More",
  "news_letter": "NEWS LETTER",
  "subscribe_to_out_new_channel_to_get_latest_updates": "Subscribe to our news letter to get latest updates",
  "reset": "Reset",
  "price": "Price",
  "rating": "Rating",
  "category": "Categories",
  "sort_by": "Sort by",
  "relevance": "Relevance",
  "low_to_high": "Price: low to high",
  "high_to_low": "Price: high to low",
  "ascending": "Ascending",
  "descending": "Descending",
  "search_item_here": "Search item here...",
  "cancel": "Cancel",
  "recent_search": "Recent Search",
  "remove_all": "Remove All",
  "product_found": "Product Found",
  "items_found": "items found",
  "say_somethings": "Say something…",
  "send": "SEND",
  "previous": "Previous",
  "already_added": "Already Added",
  "add_to_card": "Add to Cart",
  "welcome": "Welcome",
  "login": "Login",
  "signup": "Signup",
  "email": "Email",
  "demo_gmail": "",
  "password_did_not_match": "Password does not matched",
  "mobile_number": "Mobile Number",
  "number_hint": "1234567890",
  "password": "Password",
  "password_hint": "••••••••••",
  "remember_me": "Remember me",
  "create_an_account": "Create an Account ?",
  "already_have_account": "Already have an account ?",
  "continue": "Continue",
  "forgot_password": "Forgot password",
  "confirm_password": "Confirm Password",
  "enter_the_code": "Enter the code",
  "enter_the_code__fill_it": "Enter the code , we send to your phone please check and fill it.",
  "i_didnt_receive_the_code": "I didn't receive the code",
  "resend_code": "RESEND CODE",
  "verified": "Verified",
  "create_account": "Create Account",
  "first_name": "First Name",
  "last_name": "Last Name",
  "select_location": "Select Location",
  "select_delivery_address": "Select Delivery Address",
  "search_location_here": "Search location here ...",
  "please_enter_your_number_to": "Please enter your email address",
  "verify_email": "Verify Email",
  "please_enter_4_digit_code": "Please enter 4 digit code.",
  "verify": "Verify",
  "create_new_password": "Create new password",
  "enter_password_to_create": "Enter password to create",
  "new_password": "New password",
  "save": "Save",
  "coupon_code_copied": "Coupon code copied",
  "coupon_discount": "Coupon Discount",
  "valid_until": "Valid until",
  "enter_promo_code": "Enter Promo Code",
  "items_price": "Items Price",
  "tax": "Vat/Tax",
  "addons": "Addons",
  "subtotal": "Subtotal",
  "discount": "Discount",
  "delivery_fee": "Delivery Fee",
  "total_amount": "Total Amount",
  "place_order": "Place Order",
  "saved_address": "Saved Address",
  "add_new": "Add New",
  "add_new_address": "Add New Address",
  "update_address": "Update Address",
  "add_the_location_correctly": "Add the location correctly",
  "label_us": "Label As",
  "address_line_01": "Address Line",
  "address_line_02": "23/A Block,Sector 4",
  "delivery_address": "Delivery Address",
  "contact_person_name": "Contact Person Name",
  "enter_contact_person_name": "Enter contact person name",
  "contact_person_number": "Contact Person Number",
  "enter_contact_person_number": "Enter contact person number",
  "save_location": "Save Location",
  "workplace": "Workplace",
  "other": "Other",
  "edit": "Edit",
  "delete": "Delete",
  "order_placed_successfully": "Order placed successfully",
  "order_id": "Order ID",
  "payment_failed": "Payment Failed",
  "payment_process_is_interrupted": "Payment process is interrupted. Please complete the order payment from order details page.",
  "maybe_later": "Maybe Later",
  "checkout": "Checkout",
  "add": "Add",
  "payment_method": "Payment Method",
  "cash_on_delivery": "Cash On Delivery",
  "digital_payment": "Digital Payment",
  "additional_note": "Additional note",
  "confirm_order": "Confirm Order",
  "payment_cancelled": "Payment Cancelled",
  "track_order": "Track Order",
  "back_home": "Back to Home",
  "PAYMENT": "Payment",
  "preference_time": "Preference Time",
  "receiver_details": "Receiver Details",
  "receiver_phn_no": "Receiver Ph No.",
  "receiver_name": "Receiver Name",
  "order_details": "Order Details",
  "cancel_order": "Cancel Order",
  "amount": "Amount: ",
  "order_placed": "Order Placed",
  "items_processed": "Items processed",
  "delivering": "Delivering",
  "items_received": "Items Received",
  "order_accepted": "Order accepted",
  "preparing_items": "Preparing items",
  "order_in_the_way": "Order on the way",
  "delivered_the_order": "Delivered the order",
  "description": "Description",
  "profile": "Profile",
  "gender": "Gender",
  "male": "Male",
  "female": "Female",
  "order": "Order",
  "saved": "Saved",
  "spend": "Spend",
  "phone_number": "Phone Number",
  "update_profile": "Update Profile",
  "enter_first_name": "Enter first name",
  "enter_last_name": "Enter last name",
  "enter_email_address": "Enter email address",
  "enter_phone_number": "Enter phone number",
  "process_to_checkout": "Process to Checkout",
  "all": "All",
  "enter_valid_email": "Enter valid email",
  "enter_password": "Enter password",
  "password_should_be": "Password should be equal or getter than 6 character",
  "enter_confirm_password": "Enter confirm password",
  "login_as_a": "Login as a",
  "guest": "Guest",
  "guest_mode": "Guest Mode",
  "now_you_are_in_guest_mode": "Now you are in guest mode \n Please login first to enjoy awesome features",
  "OR": "Or",
  "added_to_cart": "Added to cart",
  "invalid_code_or_failed": "Invalid code or failed to get discount",
  "enter_a_coupon_code": "Enter a coupon code",
  "notification": "Notification",
  "select_branch": "Select Branch",
  "today": "Today",
  "tomorrow": "Tomorrow",
  "yesterday": "Yesterday",
  "delivery_option": "Delivery Option",
  "delivery": "Delivery",
  "self_pickup": "Self Pickup",
  "free": "Free",
  "settings": "Settings",
  "language": "Language",
  "no_connection": "No Connection",
  "connected": "Connected",
  "dark_theme": "Dark Theme",
  "choose_language": "Choose Language",
  "ok": "Ok",
  "item": "Item",
  "status": "Status",
  "payment_info": "Payment Info",
  "method": "Method",
  "change": "Change",
  "quantity": "Quantity",
  "delivered_at": "Delivered at",
  "ordered_at": "Order On",
  "pay_now": "pay now",
  "review": "Review",
  "order_cancelled": "Order Cancelled",
  "are_you_sure_to_cancel": "Are you sure to cancel ?",
  "yes": "Yes",
  "no": "No",
  "do_you_want_to_switch": "Do you want to switch your payment method from Digital Payment to Cash On Delivery?",
  "out_of_coverage_for_this_branch": "This address is out of coverage \nfor this branch",
  "active": "Active",
  "past_order": "Past Order",
  "select_a_time": "Select a time",
  "no_banner_available": "No banner available",
  "items": "Items",
  "view_details": "View Details",
  "track_your_order": "Track your Order",
  "no_description": "No description",
  "order_is": "Order is",
  "rate_review": "Rate & Review",
  "delivery_man": "Delivery Man",
  "rate_the_order": "Rate the order",
  "share_your_opinion": "Share your opinion",
  "write_your_review_here": "Write your review here",
  "submit": "Submit",
  "submitted": "Submitted",
  "give_a_rating": "Give a rating",
  "write_a_review": "Write a review",
  "rate_his_service": "Rate his service",
  "no_delivery_man_data_found": "Delivery man location data not found",
  "pending": "Pending",
  "confirmed": "Confirmed",
  "processing": "Processing",
  "out_for_delivery": "Out For Delivery",
  "delivered": "Delivered",
  "returned": "Returned",
  "failed": "Failed",
  "canceled": "Canceled",
  "paid": "Paid",
  "unpaid": "Unpaid",
  "change_something_to_update": "Change something to update",
  "delivered_time": "Delivered time",
  "want_to_sign_out": "Are you sure you want to sign out?",
  "out_of_stock": "Out of stock",
  "total_item": "Total Item",
  "remove_from_cart": "Remove from cart",
  "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy",
  "about_us": "About Us",
  "terms_and_condition": "Terms & Conditions",
  "useful_links": "Useful Links",
  "search": "Search",
  "no_slot_available": "No slot available",
  "updated_successfully": "Updated successfully",
  "enter_new_password": "Enter new password",
  "confirm_new_password": "Confirm new password",
  "menu": "Menu",
  "maintenance_mode": "Maintenance Mode",
  "maintenance_text": "We are currently performing some schedule maintenance. We will be back as soon as possible. Please check back soon.",
  "search_location": "Search Location...",
  "will_add_later": "Will add later",
  "not_found": "Not found",
  "delivery_fee_not_set_yet": "Delivery fee not set yet",
  "continue_checkout": "Continue Checkout",
  "failed_to_fetch_distance": "Failed to fetch distance",
  "delivery_fee_from_your_selected_address_to_branch": "Delivery fee from your selected address to branch",

  "minimum_order_amount_is": "Minimum order amount is ",
  "in_your_cart_please_add_more_item": "in your cart, please add more item.",
  "you_have": "you have ",
  "chat_with_delivery_man" : "Chat With Delivery Man",
  "restaurant_address" : "Restaurant address",
  "call_now" : "Call Now",
  "send_a_message" : "Send a message",
  "successfully_subscribe" : "Successfully subscribe",
  "mail_already_exist" : "Mail already exist",
  "address_was_deleted" : "Address was deleted",
  "product_was_deleted" : "Product was deleted",
  "payment_method_is_not_activated_please_order_later" : "Payment method is not Activated, please order later",
  "cash_on_delivery_is_not_activated" : "Cash on delivery is not activated",
  "address_not_found" : "address not found",
  "pos_order" : "pos order",
  "order_note" : "Order Note",
  "variation": "Variations",
  "my_account": "My Account",
  "copyright": "copyright © 2022",
  "extra_discount": "Extra discount",
  "you_denied_location_permission": "You denied location permission forever. You have to allow location permission to add a new address",
  "service_is_not_available": "Service is not available",
  "your_app_is_deprecated": "Your app is deprecated",
  "update_now": "Update Now",
  "can_not_launch": "can not launch",
  "favourite": "Favorite",
  "latest_items": "Latest items",
  "quantity_increase_from_cart": "Quantity increased from cart",
  "quantity_decreased_from_cart": "Quantity decreased from cart",
  "your_account_remove_successfully": "Your account remove successfully",
  "there_is_a_problem_on_removing_your_account": "There is a problem on removing your account",
  "delete_account": "Delete Account",
  "are_you_sure_to_delete_account": "Are you sure to delete your account?",
  "it_will_remove_your_all_information": "It will remove your all information."
